2018年3月10日 星期六



1.     When it comes to / = Speaking of the music, it would like a close friend (accompanying) with me.
è 談論到: When it comes to / = Speaking of  有兩種用法,請參考。
è  Accompany 可加可不加,若一定要加,可用關代省略的方式: Ving() / Vpp()

2.     Since my childhood, I have learned diverse instruments, including / inclusive of piano and cello.
è Since 必與完成式連用! 另外, instruments為可數名詞! GOOD!
è Such as 是較為普通的用法,可嘗試練習 including / inclusive of 的用法。

3.     During the attempt on practice, it was very difficult for me.
è 此句中文為: 在此次嘗試練習的期間。可參考attempt 的用法:
He made an attempt on the world record. 他試圖打破世界記錄。
Her attempt at poetry was a failure. 她嘗試寫詩失敗了。
 My daughter attempts to stand up. 我女兒嘗試著站起來。

4.     With my constant (不間斷的) / earnest (認真的、熱心的) practice, I could perform a whole song and I got the sense of achievement (成就感)
è With 有伴隨、附帶的意思,下次可參考使用。記住!  With 是介係詞,後面必須加名詞。
è The sense of achievement 可用來取代 happy,可嘗試!

5.     Day after day, I can show my talent in the stage and even join / participate in / take part in the music contest.
è Talent 為天賦或是與生俱來的才能,用show來搭配即可。
è 另外,join / participate in / take part in the music contest 是老師自己所想像的! 為什麼要加上去呢? 因為展現才華的方式,其中有一個就是參加比賽,或是到什麼地方去表演。博文可隨意運用自身的經驗,也可以使得文章更有連續感(因為可呼應第四句的成就感,更可呼應最後一句的結論句)

6.     By chance, I deeply felt learning instruments was the most precious growth process in my life.
è By chance 意外地的用法,相似詞還有: by accident = unexpectedly = suddenly = accidentally
è growth process 成長過程來取代thing,是否好些? 是否違反了你的本意呢? 可參考之。

7.     Later 乃較為攏統的用法,可用  as I grew up / when I am being mature 的用法。

